“His conception of art points in other directions, more precisely in two opposite directions: that of the past and that of the future, which intersect in the present he experiences. In a narrowing funnel, Ende sees the history of art converging to the zero point of abstraction and - so the hope - also expanding again in a funnel shape.” Lothar Romain, Die hilflose Suche nach Ursprünglichkeit, In: Edgar Ende. Gemälde, Gouachen und Zeichnungen, p. 36.
“Logic, causality, the laws of nature lose their unconditional validity in this world. Gravity seems to be suspended. Humans, animals, apparatuses, vessels, statues are able to float, then they are again completely attached to the earth and do not move forward. The unity of space and time is suspended. Surrealism triumphs.” Wieland Schmied, Zwischen Surrealismus und Sachlichkeit, In: Der Maler geistiger Welten, p. 37.
“One can interpret Edgar Ende's development from his beginnings around 1921 until the interruption of his work by the war years 1939-45 as a gradual turning away from Objectivity and Neoclassicism and as an increasingly decisive shift towards Surrealism (…).” Wieland Schmied, Zwischen Surrealismus und Sachlichkeit, In: Der Maler geistiger Welten, p. 38.
“Ende is not only concerned with a work of fantastic imagination: he outlines an anthropology of fear, of the borderline, of unreality, of manic repetition and of time, which knows neither embellishments nor oblivion.” Vittorio Fagone, Die Bild-Welt Edgar Endes, In: Edgar Ende. Gemälde, Gouachen und Zeichnungen, p. 41.
“Almost all of Ende's works are multi-layered, playing with polarities, as has already been indicated. In addition to the ideas of the alchemists, gnostics, and romantics, psychology and psychoanalysis, which embody thought structures beyond the exact natural sciences, with their various doctrines of salvation, certainly played a role in this eccentric painter that should not be underestimated.” Axel Hinrich Murken, Transformation visionärer Utopien, In: Edgar Ende. Gemälde, Gouachen und Zeichnungen, p. 27.
Edgar Ende left behind an extensive oeuvre. We would like to give you a small glimpse of it through these illustrations. The Edgar Ende researcher Axel Hinrich Murken could identify 270 oil paintings, 231 gouaches and 370 drawings. If you are interested in the complete catalog, please contact AVA international or use the contact form from the store.
Der Blow-Dryer – Lost
Dunkelkammerskizze – Zeichnung – Ölgemälde
The Tethered Storm
Dark Room Drawing – Oil paintings
Dark Room Drawing – Drawing – Oil painting
2 Dark Room Drawings – Drawing– Oil painting
Dark Room Drawing – Drawing– Oil painting
Saturnian Dance
Dark Room Drawing – Painting– Oil painting
Suicide Angel
Dark Room Drawing – Gouache – Oil painting